The Beatitudes Part 6, Matthew 5 & Philippians 3
Chad Murrell   -  

1. What stood out to you in the message?
2. Has anyone ever given you a gift that was beyond your wildest dreams? Explain.
3. Pastor Chad said that “to hunger and thirst for righteousness is to obsessively long to live for Jesus through Jesus.”  Have you ever thought about righteousness in this way? How does this change your perspective of righteousness?
4. Read 1 Cor. 6:9-10. What does Paul, the author, mean that those who live in these ways will not inherit the Kingdom of God? What does that mean for the follower of Jesus?
5. Is Paul condemning those who sin, or those whose sin is part of their lifestyle? What role does repentance play in this biblical theme?
6. Read Galatians 5:22-23. Pastor Chad said the if you are living in the Fruit of the Spirit there will be little room left for a sinful lifestyle. Explain what he meant by that statement.

Scripture Passages:
Acts 17-21