God is the only one that we can truly trust
Chad Murrell   -  

1. What stood out to you in the message?
2. If you could have a bowl full of anything right now, what would you want? Why?
3. Revelation 16 describes a series of judgments poured out from bowls. What would be the worst judgment for you to experience: sores all over your body? Intense heat without air conditioning? Total darkness? Or great thirst with very little water? Why?
4. Read Revelation 15:3-4. What great and mighty deeds has God done in your life for which you will praise Him today? How appropriate is the song in this passage to your experience with God? Why?
5. Revelation 16 mentions the unrepentance of those who oppose God. What has God done in your life to help you repent? How receptive are you to admitting your guilt and repenting when you sin?

Scripture Passages:
Acts 17-21