Genuine faith impacts everything and everyone
Chad Murrell   -  


1. What stood out to you in the message?

2. How does fake spirituality (people who claim to be Christians, but don’t actually exemplify their claim in the way they live) ruin the witness for true Christians and the Church?

3. Who are some people in your life (past and present) that exemplified Jesus to you and inspired you or taught you what true Christlikeness looks like? How did they inspire or teach you?

4. Who are some people in your life that YOU are exemplifying Jesus to and inspiring and/or teaching what true Christlikeness looks like? How did you inspire or teach them?

5. How do you live out and nurture selflessness in your life? How do you avoid selfishness in your life?

6. What are some practical ways that we are called to “honor” the servants of the Gospel around us?

7. Pastor Chad spoke about impacting the generations to come. Who can you invest in in order to leave a legacy for the future? How can you leave a legacy for future generations?

8. What does First Southern need to do in order to impact future generations? What part should you play to make that happen?

Scripture Passages: Matthew 16-20