Church and Culture Part 6, Matthew 23
Chad Murrell   -  

1. What stood out to you in the message?
2. What skill or talent do you have that you could brag about?
3. In Philippians 3:1-11, Paul speaks about how he lived a good, moral life before he came to know Jesus. Was he trying to put down his religious past? What point was he making?
4. Why can your good works not save you from your sins? Why is “being a good person” not a means to salvation?
5. How are moralism and legalism counterfeit of true faith? How does it look like true faith? How is it a fake of true faith?
6. In what ways can moralism and legalism creep into your life? Into your church? How can they compromise the mission of the church?
7. How can moralism and legalism hurt your witness to those who do not know Jesus? What message do they send to those who do not know Jesus?

Scripture Passages:
Mark 3-7