See the need and act
Chad Murrell   -  


1. What stood out to you in the message?

2. What did Esther have to fear by taking her concern to the King (Esther 4:9-17)? How do her fears compare to our fears of following God’s leading in various areas of our life (i.e. telling someone about Jesus, inviting someone to church, beginning to serve Jesus in ministry, etc.)?

3. “You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem.” (Quote from Eldridge Cleaver). How does this quote apply to this Sunday’s message? How does this quote apply to the role that God is calling you to in His church and whether or not you actively pursue and act on that role?

4. Read Matthew 25:31-45. Have you ever been hungry, thirsty, a stranger, in need of clothes, sick, or imprisoned, and someone reached out to you? How did it make you feel? What lasting affects did that act have on your life and thinking?

5. How are those who do what Jesus is talking about different from those who don’t? What does this teach us about our responsibilities as followers of Jesus? What does Jesus expect of us, other than our simple faith in Him?

6. Is there a particular demographic or people group that you are drawn to (i.e. children, teens, families, the elderly, shut-ins, etc.)? How can you begin serving in this/these areas?

7. Read James 2:14-26. What kind of “faith” is James criticizing? Is the kind of “faith” that James is criticizing actually true faith? Why or why not?

8. Pastor Chad has a small note in his office that he cut out of a newsletter 20 years ago. It reads, “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” Based on this passage in James, would there be enough evidence in your life? Would there be enough evidence if “going to church/Bible Study” was not strong enough evidence?