The Beatitudes Part 4, Matthew 5:3-12 & 2 Corinthians 7:8-9
Chad Murrell   -  


1. What stood out to you in the message?
2. Have you ever mourned deeply? Have you ever celebrated greatly? Explain.
3. Read Psalm 13. What are the three stages of mourning that David experiences in this Psalm?
4. How can David be hopeful at the end of this Psalm, even when it is clear that God has not answered his prayers or provided relief in his situation?
5. Pastor Chad spoke about how some struggle to mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). Why do you think that we generally avoid mourning and those who mourn?
6. Why do we struggle to mourn our own sin and shortfalls? What makes it difficult for you to do this?
7. Comfort is mentioned in this Beatitude. What comfort has come out of past struggles? What struggles could you use some comfort in? How can we pray for that struggle?
Scripture Passages:

Acts 12-16